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Our Five Favorite Appraisal Tools

Each appraisal requires days of research, data analysis and plenty of writing. To improve the efficiency and timeliness of each report, which usually take weeks, appraisers rely on a host of tools. These tools are not only effective for appraisers when writing reports, but the intended user* or reader of our reports. In this case, some of these tools help the reader better understand how the final valuation was determined.

Our favorite appraisal tools at V & V aren't just exclusive to appraisers - they're used by many other types of businesses. The top appraising tools are Google Maps, Microsoft Excel, BS&A, CoStar and GIS Maps.

Top Five Appraisal Tools Image

Google Maps

Microsoft Excel

BS & A


GIS Maps

And finally, we have some honorable mentions. Coffee, obviously. A good printer/copier/scanner is critical to proofreading reports, printing off assessing data and more. Trying to copy edit with a pen and paper can sometimes be even more effective than staring at a computer screen.

And then there's the technology powering everything. A computer that takes ten minutes to start up or save a document is valuable time wasted. Having a stable and reasonably fast computer will make everyone's life easier. And when life is easier, people are happier. In this article, Fast Company reported employee happiness can spike productivity by 12%.

*Intended User, per

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